Visual Facilitation Cookbook

7274a846a4878510de776991873b5ce8Aims of the tool

With this publication, we want to invite you to join us on a journey through what we see and understand as Visual Facilitation. It will hopefully include some fun and inspiring moments for you and might even change a bit the way you work and think. Possibly even the way you look at the world and yourself as a drawer. We want to encourage you to step out of your adult and professional routines, connect with your inner child and (re)discover your natural ability to communicate and express yourself in a more visual way. Together, we will explore the potential of visual language and show you some first steps, tips and tricks to put ideas on paper and to start using visual tools in your life and educational work – at school, in seminars, during coaching sessions or while running projects at the local youth club


Description of the tool

We have put together a number of tools, templates, exercises and games which we use in our training activities and which were proven to be interesting, engaging and useful for facilitators and learners in different settings. We have also reached out to colleagues, friends and former participants of our training courses and workshops, asking for their favourite tools and visual approaches in their professional context. You will find them as practical cases, examples and tools throughout this book.


Plus d’infos et guide à télécharger :

Autres production de la LCL Community à l’origine du projet (écrire collectivement des histoires, organiser des ateliers d’écriture) :
