Le nouveau Gapminder – Jouer avec les statistiques mondiales

Gapminder est une fondation suédoise indépendante . Leur objectif est de lutter contre les fausses idées concernant le développement mondial avec une vision du monde fondée sur les faits . L’association produit des ressources d’enseignement gratuites basées sur des statistiques officielles. Ils collaborent avec des Universités, le système des Nations Unis, les organismes publics et les Organismes Non Gouvernementaux-ONG. En savoir plus sur Gapminder ici.

Beaucoup d’enseignants collaborent au site et proposent des tutoriels, vidéos et documents en téléchargement pour accompagner leurs cours.


European Tavern Tool Fair booklet

captureThis booklet is a practical toolkit for volunteers,
youth workers, youth leaders and young
people in general whose aim is to work on rural development through social entrepreneurship with for and by youth work activities.

Aims of the tool

– To share ideas how to preserve and protect traditions, culture and nature in rural areas and initiate entrepreneurship to renew it by youth work activities;
– To invent new tools for developing the youth sector in related with traditions, culture, environment protection through entrepreneurship;
– To explore methods and activities on motivating and encouraging young people to stay in the villages and fight against unemployment in rural areas.

Description of the tool

Rural areas are full of traditions, culture and rich nature which are not valued enough by inhabitants who live there. Young people just leave from the villages and farms and moving to big cities with hopes to have a better lifestyle there. They believe that they will be employed there easier and faster nevertheless, this will not happen easily with everyone. Meanwhile the villages become abandoned, lost their culture and traditions, and young people even don’t recognise what they lost. So one of the biggest tasks is nowadays for youth organisations to support rural youth, young people have to fight for their cultural values of their villages, preserve and even renew the traditions, protect the natural heritages and initiate small entrepreneurships to do that and through these, employ people in rural areas in the sake of better lifestyle and keep rural area as valued as possible.
Young people have to recognise the values of culture, traditions and nature what their villages have and learn how to renew and promote it. Youth workers, youth leaders from rural areas through youth organisations can give support them nevertheless, they have to have methods and tools how they can do that.

Get it Global

6691f1b6e8468ee823d50ad808bbc6e3Aims of the tool

Get It Global aims to raise awareness on the grassroots level about global challenges and to contribute to the development of future global citizens. What we intend to do with this publication is offering a set of activities that can be implemented in trainings or activities with young people in schools or youth centers in order to raise awareness on the SDGs and the global problems that the world is facing, develop empathy and solidarity, help to understand the interconnections between global and local dimension, develop the feeling of responsibility towards the global challenges and motivate young people to take action.

Description of the tool

At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. The new SDGs, and the broader sustainability agenda, go much further than the Millenium Development Goals, addressing the root causes of poverty and the universal need for development that works for all the people. The manual you are holding right now has been developed to raise awareness and help youth workers from all around the world to work with the topic of SDGs.
One of the characteristics of the global problems is their interconnectedness and the need of global mobilization to tackle them. An example, in very simplified words: poverty can cause illiteracy problem, and that leads to the population growth due to the lack of family planning, and the demographic pressure increases the levels of poverty. Or we could also say that climate change is causing declining rainfall and this influence the food security, that is influencing the famine, and causing that the states fail. Those kinds of examples you can multiply in almost an endless way. In order to fight these global challenges, a complex approach addressing all the problems needs to be undertaken, and for this we need the collaboration of the whole global community.


How to: Happiness in Education


Aims of the tool

This tool aims to:
1) introduce to the concept of happiness in education;
2) show how it may effect the results of learning/teaching;
3) give and analyse real-life examples and cases;
4) provide conclusiosn from the findings of the youth exchange that was a made a test-ground for the happy approach to education.

Description of the tool

The tool includes:
1) introduction to the exchange and non-formal education (NFE);
2) Comparison between NFE and standard;
3) Description of the workshops created during the youth exchange (using the approach of focusing on happiness)
4) List (with links) of workshops/activities that were used to achieve the goals/aims of the tool
5) Results, conclusions and findings.

Available downloads:

Le marché des compétences

bfe44fe47baa5e60e4a664e524ac4efeL’activité proposée vise à simuler la réalité du marché du travail et mieux comprendre comment il peut être difficile ou facile faire connaître ses propres compétences.

Traduction de l’outil (salto youth box – « skills on the market) par Qing Zhou SVE au lycée fonlabour


jeu Euro-Culture

Image1Jeu conçu et produit par AEDE-France dans le cadre de projets ERASMUS +

Le concept Euro-Culture est un outil de communication trilingue ; il a pour objectif de permettre une meilleure connaissance de l’Union européenne, de ses institutions et avancées, des pays qui la composent avec leur culture et leur patrimoine littéraire, artistique; connaissons-nous par exemple des figures  emblématiques de certains pays, comme par exemple France Preseren en Slovénie ou Bertha von Suttner en Autriche?


Le concept Euro-Culture s’adresse  au grand public, scolaire, universitaire, associatif ouvert à la mobilité ; il s’adapte  fort  bien à des événements, colloques, rencontres….Il a été présenté dans des institutions,  des collectivités locales, des écoles, des universités, des associations…
Le concept Euro-Culture se  présente sous forme d’une exposition et d’un jeu.

Le jeu Euro-Culture  existe sous trois formats:
– le jeu plateau en valisette/boîte (1 à 6 joueurs)
– le jeu format tapis de jeu géant 2 m x 2 m  soit 4m2 (de 4 à  24 joueurs ou +)

– l’exposition et le jeu plateau sont traduits en français, allemand et anglais. Le jeu format « tapis géant « est trilingue.

Plus d’infos sur le jeu ses origines, comment le commander (300 euros) : http://euro-culture.jimdo.com/

Le RED en possède un exemplaire de la version tapis de jeu géant et il peut vous le prêter.

Guide d’éducation à la paix

Le guide d’éducation à la paix contient de nombreuses activités éducatives sur la compréhension des causes et conséquences et des dynamiques des conflits.

Voici les guides en différentes langues à télécharger :







Peace Education Handbook

PeaceCover_Freeman_v5_GermanThe handbook has been developed in the framework of IFM-SEI’s Peace Education Year 2015, supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. Are you interested to read more about how young people experience conflicts in their societies and how they try to transform them? Then have a look at our blog “Stories of Conflict and Peace” . If you would like to contribute a story, contact us by e-mail .

Autres guides européens : http://red.educagri.fr/t-kits-de-leurope/


Energizers sur le thème du Climat


Les activités suivantes sont des différent energizers qui ont le réchauffement climatique comme sujet principal.

Ils peuvent être utilisés au début des séances ou à la fin comme complément.

Activités traduites de l’anglais par Qing Zhou

L’empreinte carbone des éléphants (Elephant footprints)


Cette activité encourage les participants à réfléchir à leurs consommations et leur
empreinte carbone.

Les objectifs de cette activité :

  • Introduire le concept d’« empreinte carbone ».
  • Considérer quels changements de mode de vie impliquent un mode de consommation durable.
  • Se mettre en situation de consommateur.

Traduction du jeu tiré du manuel Guide Handbook for action against climate change par Qing Zhou

Le world Café

CaptureGénérer des idées par discussion

Existe en plusieurs langues sur
